Celebrating and supporting Aboriginal Stories, today, always, and now more than ever!

Celebrating and supporting Aboriginal Stories, today, always, and now more than ever!

National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is nearly here. This time is acknowledged in Australia from the 27th of May to the 3rd of June, marking two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This week long period creates an opportunity to learn more about our shared history, cultures and achievements and to explore how each of us can join the national reconciliation effort. NRW is a chance to take some fresh action to spark a change in your school, workplace or community—no matter how big or small. 

Let it begin this week, and let it continue.

At Koh Living supporting and celebrating Aboriginal stories and culture is in our DNA and represents our greatest values. This year's Reconcilation Action Week we've chosen the beautiful Women’s Dreaming artwork by Khatija Possum as our signature artwork for this period of reflection. 

Khatija was born in Alice Springs and her work is influenced by her grandfather, Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri, and her mother, Michelle Possum Nungurrayi. Khatija creates art that connects to her profound heritage, inviting us to listen and learn about this cultural legacy through her beautiful creations.

In Women’s Dreaming, Khatija depicts ceremonial sites around Tjukurla in Central Australia. These places are not just landscapes but hold spiritual significance, where women share their sacred Dreamtime stories.

 At Koh Living, we believe that Indigenous art is more than beautiful—it’s a connection to history, culture and an important way to support Aboriginal artists and their communities. Our Women’s Dreaming collection is a testament to this, celebrating the beauty and depth of Aboriginal culture.

During this NRW, let’s reflect on these powerful stories and the significance of reconciliation. Through Khatija Possum’s art, we are reminded of the rich heritage that shapes our shared future.

Click here to view our other Koh Resident Artists and support Indigenous stories today.