about pammy

Wildflowers and Epenarra artist Pammy uses bright colours to capture the bush plants and landscapes of the Wutunugurra region. Her art is highly detailed and layered, and adorns a collection of really special and delightfully different gifts.

Aboriginal artist Pammy Foster and her art designs featured on giftware at Koh Living


"I like to learn more about my country, my grandmother's country. Painting is the way of learning."

Pammy Foster paints with the Epenarra artists collective. She is a Waramungu and Alyawarr woman born in Tennant Creek and raised between Ampilatwatja and Wutunugurra (Epenarra). She began painting from an early age, learning from her aunt Susie Peterson and her grandmother Jessie Peterson, both well-known artists from Wutunugurra.Pammy paints intricate pieces depicting the bush plants and landscapes of the Wutunugurra region. She is a devoted artist who will finesse a canvas until she is completely satisfied with her work, resulting in highly detailed and layered pieces.