How to Source Unique Corporate Gifts for Employees

How to Source Unique Corporate Gifts for Employees

We know the positive impact thoughtful employee gifting can have on employee morale, satisfaction, and loyalty. But we've also heard horror stories of the things that can go wrong if you choose the wrong product or wrong company as your corporate gifting partner. So how do you source unique and memorable gifts for employees that will represent your business affordably, efficiently and professionally?

We're glad you asked. Whether you choose Koh Living as your employee gift partner, or find another idea that suits, our goal is to make gifting easy, so we hope that this guide helps you find the perfect way to celebrate your staff, your clients and your business.

As a wholesaler, we understand bulk product logistics, and of course, we stock a range of products that are uniquely Australian and absolutely stunning, making them popular for corporate gifting. Here’s our guide on how to source the best employee and client gifts for your business.

Know What Can Go Wrong When Choosing A Corporate Gift Company

Corporate gifting is as much about relationships between your business and your chosen gift supplier as it is about your relationship with the recipient. It's a unique situation where you're trusting another business to represent your business positively, which is why it's important to understand what can go wrong when you choose the wrong corporate gifting partner. Your main focus should be company integrity and transparency, quality, capacity and distribution and of course, presentation and professionalism.

Corporate Gift Companies With Bulk Capacity

When you need to send large volume employee gifts or bulk client gifts, choosing a corporate gifting service with high volume capacity is a must. Work with a company who understands, and has processes in place to move stock at volume while maintaining great quality and customer service. Choosing low volume, small gift companies means you may have some staff or clients miss out on receiving their gift, or worse, gifts may arrive late or poorly presented due to your employee gift provider not being able to keep up with the required volume.

Tip: Ask your corporate gift supplier about their capacity for bulk corporate gift delivery and their existing systems.

Sourcing Quality Corporate Gifts

When selecting gifts for your staff, quality and craftsmanship matter, as does final presentation. High-quality gifts reflect the value you place on your employees and demonstrate your commitment to offering only the best. At Koh Living, every product is meticulously crafted, ensuring durability and aesthetic appeal. Choosing well-made items means your gifts will be cherished and used for years to come, leaving a lasting impression of your appreciation and the company's dedication to excellence.

Tip: The quality of your gift should be aligned with the positioning of your company.

Sustainable Corporate Gifts Are Popular

In today’s eco-conscious world, sustainability has become a key consideration across all levels of business. Choosing products that are ethically sourced, sustainably produced and eco-friendly help your business make a positive representation to staff and clients. When partnering with Koh Living, you're choosing to partner with a brand developed on sustainability, cultural respect and appreciation, and a strong commitment to the environment. We've got plenty of corporate gift ideas to help you show your appreciation in a way that counts.

Sustainable corporate gifts can help demonstrate your company’s dedication to responsible practices, and here at Koh Living we make that part easy for you. Our gifts are not only beautiful but also kind to the planet.

Tip: Be sure your employee gifting partner’s products are legitimately sustainable, ethical or environmentally friendly. Ask what they mean by these terms if you’re unsure.

Finding Quality Corporate Gifts To Fit Your Budget

Balancing cost with perceived value is essential when sourcing business gifts. While it’s important to stay within budget, the gifts should also be meaningful and reflect the appreciation you have for your employees. When an employee feels appreciated, you'll boost employee satisfaction and employee engagement, and a cheap gift is a risk to achieving a great outcome.

Koh Living offers a range of thoughtful gift ideas at various price points, ensuring you can find high-quality, employee appreciation gifts that fit your financial plan. Thoughtfully selected gifts that are both affordable and high quality are the perfect gift to give your employees a true sense of your gratitude.

Tip: Work with a corporate gift company that offers a range of price points and product types so that you can maximise your budget.

Gift Presentation Matters: You Should Ask Questions

The presentation of a gift can significantly enhance its impact. Professional and thoughtful packaging adds a special touch and elevates the overall gifting experience. Koh Living’s products come with packaging that reflects the artistry and heritage of the items within, making the unboxing experience as memorable as the gift itself. We also offer corporate gift branding options to help your brand sit front and centre of our uniquely Australian gift range.

Tip: Place an order from the company and see what the experience is like as a customer.

Where to Buy Branded Employee Gifts

While branding is considered an essential part of any corporate gifting program, it's important not to lose sight of the true goal in this case - To make your employees feel valued, and give employees a sense of connection and understanding of the appreciation felt for their hard work.

Staff members will appreciate receiving a unique gift that not only features your brand, but is a much more meaningful gift than a pen with a logo. Send your employees a great gift that's beautiful, useful and is about them, while also featuring your brand logo, without it being all about you. This is the true way to send the right gift to your employees, and we make it easy.

Tip: Branding your gifts is great, just be sure the gift is about the employee and the branding is tasteful and professionally integrated into an already great product.

The Benefits of Thoughtful Staff Gifting

Gifting in the workplace is more than just a gesture; it’s a powerful tool to show appreciation, boost morale, and foster a positive work culture. By showing appreciation and gratitude for the great work and dedication of your staff, you help show them their importance to your business, make them feel 'seen' and appreciated and increase their connection and loyalty to their team and your company.

Whether it's seasonal employee gifts for Christmas, team gifts to celebrate milestones, or just a way to show your employees you're grateful for all their hard work at the end of financial year, or for winning a client account. Whatever the reason, here at Koh Living we exist to make gifting meaningful, joyful and uniquely Australian and we'd love to chat about any questions or requirements for employee gifts for your business.